Navigating your Tween/Teen’s obsession with TIKTOK skincare trends

Creating skincare harmony: Wisdom from an esthetician mom- Navigating your tween/teens obsession with TikTok skincare trends.


Hey there, skincare enthusiasts and concerned parents! Can we just talk about how the skincare game has taken over our lives? Everywhere you turn, there's a shelf stacked with shiny, glittering skincare products begging to be sampled. Gone are the days of hitting up fancy department stores or exclusive spas – now you can find skincare havens like Sephora in Kohls and Ulta at Target!

But here's the real kicker – who's driving this skincare boom? Brace yourselves; it's our TikTok-loving tweens! Yep, those trend-setting youngsters are now dropping more cash on skincare goodies than their own moms. It's a whole new era, and everyone, especially the younger crew, is diving headfirst into the skincare action.

Speaking as a licensed esthetician, med spa owner, and mom to a 12-year-old skincare enthusiast, I found myself at the epicenter of this skincare craze on a quick shopping trip to Target. I was there for a few quick essentials with my daughter.

Suddenly she zeroes in on under-eye pads from priced at $60. With a sparkle in her eye, she holds them up, ready to add them to our cart, convinced these pads are the secret remedy to under eye discoloration, eye bags and puffiness that ails only a 12 year old with 8-9 hours of sleep per night.

Clueless mom, owner of a med spa and licensed esthetician, I seize the moment to share some wisdom. "No, you’re too young for under eye pads, you don’t need them" I tell her.

She glances at me, eyes rolling, and retorts, "I need them, look at me!” Then she pulls on her seemingly perfect bright, baby smooth under-eye area .

"Your under-eye area is perfect you don't need them. If you're convinced you need something, then I’ll give you one of the clinically tested eye creams I sell back at my med spa. They' are far better,” I explain. (I figure I’d rather give her a trial size of a $110 eye cream that works, than waste $60 on something that doesn’t.)

She is undeterred, ah the power of social media influence. Suddenly I find myself trying to explain the nuances of professional skincare versus viral trends to a 12 year old. "Honey, it's not about being cheap. I don’t want to waste money on products you don’t need and I know don’t work."

She remains unconvinced, adamant that if it's not a TikTok sensation, it's not worth her interest. In the end, we strike a compromise. She decides to bypass my med spa offerings and settles on another body scrub – a TikTok-worthy addition to her growing shower collection.

As we leave Target, I can't help but chuckle at the generational clash of skincare wisdom versus social media glamour, but I also wonder, who is leading my daughter to believe she needs products that were designed for adults?

Exactly when, and how did my 12-year-old daughter become skincare obsessed?

As a licensed esthetician and a mom who's dug into the TikTok skincare phenomenon, I've uncovered some red flags. It's cool that influencers like Hyram Yarbro and Susan Yara are bringing attention to skincare on TikTok, but let's remember – they're not licensed skincare professionals. Same goes for rising stars like Katie Fang, a college student (who is popular with tweens like mine and probably yours) with her 6 million followers who like to watch her “GRWM” and “GURWM” videos daily. Get Ready with Me ‘GRWM’ and Get Unready with Me ‘GURwM’ videos on TikTok have been viewed more than 157 billion times. Celebrities and “it girls” have hopped on the bandwagon, often to promote their brands. While entertaining, their lack of formal training in the products they promote raises concerns about the accuracy and safety of skincare recommendations.

before you BUY more tiktok skincare you must read this…

As a mom & esthetician I’m concerned about the safety of what my daughter and her besties are embracing. Are these tweens really meant to be diving into skincare products designed for more mature skin? We’re exposing them to potential hazards, all masked by the allure of those beautifully packaged potions. With skincare being sold in every store it also means there are plenty of places for my skincare obsessed daughter and I to strike up a skincare battle.


The Need for a Tween Skincare Routine

As children enter their tweens, their skin starts undergoing changes due to hormonal fluctuations. They might start experiencing issues such as dryness, oiliness, and even the early onset of acne. It's important to address these concerns early on to prevent them from escalating into bigger problems in the future, but when tween use products designed for mature adult skin the results can be less than desired, and sometimes the even dangerous.

While our tweens are riding the skincare wave, there are some potential pitfalls you need to be aware of – especially when it comes to powerful ingredients like retinol, AHA, and BHA acids.

Vitamin a is Incredible, You should be using it- not Your Tween/Teen

Retinol (Vitamin A), the superhero of anti-aging, is too much for tween's delicate skin. Vitamin A, is a potent antioxidant renowned for its beneficial effects on the skin. Vitamin A skincare products are recommended for mature skin because as we age the rate our cells regenerate slows, vitamin A can speed up the process.

Benefits of Vitamin A in skincare Products

Vitamin A in skincare products help mature skin look younger, firmer, brighter, treat hyperpigmentation, improve lines, wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, stimulate collagen and much more. You’ll find thousands of clinical studies demonstrating the clinical efficacy of Vitamin A in skincare. It’s a myth that Vitamin A thins skin, it actually has the opposite affect, stimulating new collagen production and thickening and firming skin.

Skip the collagen powders and drinks, if you’re over the age of 25, Vitamin A should be in your nightly skincare routine!

Vitamin A is not recommended for tweens or teens and should be introduced later in your 20’s or 30’s when your cell turnover begins to slow. It's a potent ingredient that that can cause redness, peeling, and increased sensitivity. Combining Vitamin A with AHA or BHA acids can be a double whammy to young skin and the result can be allergic dermatitis, swelling, stinging, burning and skin peeling. We’ve seen teens and tweens and even adults develop all these symptoms. Too much vitamin A can also create acne like rashes from using it alone or in combination with AHA & BHA’s.

vitamin A ingredients to avoid in Tween/Teen Skincare

What about bakuchiol?

Bakuchiol is a plant-derived ingredient gaining popularity in skincare as a natural alternative to retinol. It is extracted from the seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia plant, also known as babchi. Bakuchiol is an alternative if you cannot tolerate Vitamin A skincare products, but it is also unnecessary for tweens and teens. You may find it alone or combined with Retinol in skincare products.

be wary of AHA’s and BHA acids for tweens

Let's talk about the world of acids – alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and the potential risks that come with combining them. .

First things first, why do we need to be wary of acids for our tweens? Well, their young, developing skin is more sensitive and prone to potential irritations. The risks associated with combining multiple acids, like over-exfoliation, irritation, and compromising the skin barrier, outweigh the potential benefits. Too much of a good thing can hurt. Over-exfoliation of the skin causes acne to worsen and weakens the skin barrier so that pathogens can attack. It also makes your skin more sensitive creating a risk of life long irritation and increased allergic reactions to skincare ingredients.

For beautiful glowing skin, at any age, avoid using AHA & BHA acids too often and in high concentrations. If your face is red, irritated or stinging- you’re overdoing it.

AHA and BHA acids, known for their exfoliating prowess, can be a bit harsh, potentially leading to irritation and disrupting the skin barrier. Remember, less is often more when it comes to skincare, especially for our tweens. In the ever-evolving world of skincare, where the temptation of sparkling potions and trendy TikTok routines is hard to resist, it's essential to remind our tweens that not every skincare trend is suitable for their delicate skin. So, here's the deal – tweens can have fantastic skin without the need for a complicated acid cocktail or skincare smoothie. Instead of hopping on the acid bandwagon, they should focus on establishing a simple and effective skincare routine. I’ll recommend a simple skincare routine for tweens and teens later so keep reading to the end.

Low concentrations of ACIDS ensure that the risk of irritation is minimized while still providing some benefits.

When tweens are ready to introduce acids, it's crucial to exercise caution. Look for skincare products with lower percentages of mild acids like glycolic or lactic acid, and avoid combining them in the same routine.

The most common AHA & BHA ACids used in skincare


It's important to note that the concentration, formulation, and source of these acids can impact their effectiveness and safety in skincare. If you choose to allow your tweens to incorporate acids in their routine, then to stick to products with concentrations below 5%. This ensures a gentle introduction without overwhelming their skin.

Always patch-test new products and introduce them one at a time to observe how skin responds

Be aware of TikTok trends like creating skincare smoothies from multiple skin care products or layering multiple skincare products with AHA’s and BHA’s. Not all skincare products are formulated to be combined, at best combining them and negating their benefit by destroying the active ingredients, at worst combing them can amplify the ingredients to create a severe allergic reaction.

Seek guidance from skincare professionals to ensure safe and effective use when combining skin care products with active ingredients.

Now, let's talk allergies and sensitivities. Some skincare ingredients can trigger reactions, and tweens may be more prone to developing allergies during their growth spurts. So, it's wise to keep an eye out for potential irritants.

Look out for Ingredients that can cause allergic reactions and sensitivities

Remember, less is more when it comes to skincare, especially for our tweens. In the ever-evolving world of skincare, where the temptation of sparkling potions and trendy TikTok routines is hard to resist, it's essential to remind our tweens that not every skincare trend is suitable for their delicate skin.

So, as you navigate the TikTok skincare trend, keep it real, be discerning, and prioritize the health of your tween's skin. Just because a product works for a friend or a skin influencer doesn’t mean it will be safe and work for your child. It’s okay to say no, you’re the parent after all! Make sure to read labels, look for misleading claims and ask your child why they really want a skincare product. Teach your child to be an educated consumer, so they can make good skincare decisions in the future. If your child wants to purchase a skincare product and you’ve determined it’s safe, but not in your budget, have them save money or do chores/work to earn the cash to purchase it.

As children enter their tweens, their skin starts undergoing changes due to hormonal fluctuations. They might start experiencing issues such as dryness, oiliness, and even the early onset of acne. It's important to address these concerns early on to prevent them from escalating into bigger problems in the future.

My simple, gentle, Acne Safe skincare routine for glowing skin for tween and teens

Now, as promised - here’s a simple and gentle skincare routine with some our favorite products tweens & teens can embrace without the worry of damaging their precious skin. It's all about balance, hydration, and sun protection. The best part, all these skincare products are safe for tweens, teens and adults and those with sensitive skin.

Step 1: Start with a gentle cleanser

Start with a mild, gentle cleanser. Use only hands to cleanse, no brushes, wash cloths or sponges, they can be irritating and harbor bacteria, fungus and microorganisms. Our favorite cleansers for tweens are Face Reality Ultra Gentle Cleanser and *New Face Reality Barrier Repair Cleanser for tweens/teens. We have many clients with sensitive skin who suffer from eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions who use Face Reality Ultra Gentle Cleanser. It’s highly concentrated so you only need a small amount. I use it to regularly clean my makeup brushes to avoid breakouts.

Look for cleansers with 2% salicylic or benzoyl peroxide for acne prone skin. For tweens/teens who are beginning to experience breakouts we recommend Face Reality Acne Face & Body Wash or Face Reality Acne Face & Body Scrub, both contain benzoyl peroxide and are formulated to be safe for all skin types and ages. I love to use Face Reality Acne Face and Body Scrub in the shower after a sweaty workout.

Consider using a disposable facial towel like Florida Babe Clean Towels if your child is beginning to experience acne breakouts and is using products with benzoyl peroxide to prevent cross contamination and irritation from towels and detergents, but also to save your towels from being ruined. All you need to remove makeup effectively is a cleanser. Always double cleanse after wearing makeup and skip the makeup wipes, most of them are not biodegradable and they do a poor job of removing makeup anyway.

STEP 2: Add a moisturizer

Moisturizer: Keep it simple with a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer. Look for ingredients like ceramides, which help in maintaining the skin barrier. Teens and tweens are often afraid of moisturizers because they worry about acne. Acne safe moisturizers can be hard to find because most moisturizers are created for mature skin that needs more hydration and oils.

Don’t make the mistake of using a hyaluronic serum alone.

Hyaluronic serums are trendy and generally safe for tweens, but don’t make the mistake of using a hyaluronic serum alone, it will increase trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) and lead to dry skin if it’s not combined with moisturizer to lock in the hydration. You can combine Face Reality Hydrabalance Hydrating Gel for a hydrating hyaluronic boost or use Face Reality Clearderma or Cran-Peptide Moisturizers alone. All are acne safe and excellent choices for tweens, teens and adults who suffer sensitive or acne prone skin.

Step 3: Finish with a mineral sunscreen everyday

Daily SPF: Sunscreen is non-negotiable! Opt for a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher. No your makeup or moisturizer with SPF is not enough. You need a dedicated sunscreen, even if you don’t plan to be outdoors. If you remember nothing else from this article, remember this, SPF is the Fountain of Youth in a bottle. Start wearing it daily as soon as possible, by the time you reach your 20’s, or 30’s the damage to your skin is already done.

SPF is the #1 clinically proven, anti-aging skincare product people need daily.

SPF is better than BOTOX, better the all the anti-aging potions, lotions, serums you could ever purchase combined!

Choose mineral sunscreens over chemical sunscreens. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are excellent choices for sun protection without the risk of irritation. Tweens and adults love our Florida Babe Everyday SPF with it’s light tint. It’s acne safe, 100% mineral SPF with Zinc Oxide, Vitamin C, E and Ceramides. It has a silky smooth feel similar to makeup primer, won’t clog pores and dries to a matte finish. This is our best selling SPF, if you’re going to be outdoors- boating, swimming, golfing, lying on the beach or participating in sports, try our Florida Babe Sport Mineral SPF. It’s 80 minutes water resistant and sweat resistant and also guaranteed not to clog pores!

So, here's the truth – tweens can have fantastic skin without the need for a complicated acid cocktail or skincare smoothie.

Instead of hopping on the TikTok bandwagon, they should focus on establishing a simple and effective skincare routine. A gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and a reliable daily SPF are the true superheroes here, but if your child is anything like mine and she/he doesn’t want to listen, feel free to bring her/him into the Skin Spot Laser Club for a skincare consultation. We can pamper you and help you find products that will be safe and effective for your emerging TikTok skin enthusiast.

Now that you’ve finished reading this, I give you permission to confiscate your child’s Vitamin A skincare creams for yourself!

On my next post I’ll share some of the pore clogging ingredients to look out for in skincare. You’ll be surprised to learn how your tween/teens new skincare obsession and products you are using now might be contributing to acne.

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