dermaplaning cape coral




Starting from: $59

Treatment Time: 30 minutes

Expected Downtime: None

Recommended every 3-4 weeks for best results.

Dermaplaning has become the most popular form of manual exfoliation. Dermaplaning is a non-invasive technique that scrapes off vellus hair (also known as "peach fuzz") and a top layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis. The procedure aims to remove fine wrinkles and deep acne scarring, as well as make the skin's surface look smooth. Dermaplaning can lead to smoother, brighter skin and no peach fuzz. Perfect treatment 2 weeks after IPL, ResurFX or VI Peel for a deep exfoliation.

It allows for greater penetration of creams, serums and the other skincare treatments and creates a base for a flawless makeup application.

Vellus hairs do not grow back thicker or longer.

Not recommended for sensitive skin, skin cancer, eczema, or severe acne.

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