hair loss cape coral

PRP Hair Restoration



Starting from: $580

Treatment Time: 90 minutes

Expected Downtime: None, may experience some scalp tenderness.

Recommended 3-4 treatments, spaced about a month apart, in order to achieve optimal results. Then one maintenance treatment annually or every 6 months to maintain your results.

ProGen PRP Hair Restoration is a cutting-edge procedure that uses platelet rich plasma and SkinPen microneedling to stimulate hair growth. PRP made from your own blood, in studies was shown to be more effective at treating hair loss than minoxidil (Rogaine) alone.

The body’s blood supply is comprised of four elements:

  • Red blood cells

  • White blood cells

  • Platelets

  • Plasma


Platelets are actually very small cells whose job is to circulate through the body, looking for damaged blood vessels. Made from your bone marrow, white and red blood cells, platelets work by binding together to heal wounds. Plasma, which is the largest component in the blood making up about 55%, has one main job: to transport nutrients, proteins and hormones to the parts of the body that need more of one or all three. What makes this treatment so special is that it is a concentrated version of these two healing powerhouses.

ProGen for hair loss works by bringing nutrients, specifically growth factors, to encourage your dormant hair follicles back to life and support hair growth in your current hair follicles. This, in turn, can make your hair appear both thicker and fuller.


In the right patient, ProGen can be an effective way to combat hair loss that is less expensive and painful than a hair transplant. It also requires significantly less downtime. It is completely natural, since it is made from your own body, there is almost no chance of an adverse or allergic reaction.

ProGen Hair Restoration works for patients who are experiencing male or female pattern hair loss. You need to have intact hair follicles so this is a procedure that you want to get earlier rather than later.

We offer free consultations at our Cape Coral office. We’re the only med spa in Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Pine Island, Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, Lehigh Acres, Naples, Bonita Springs, area that welcomes walk-ins and offers extended evening and weekend hours for your convenience.

Best Treatment For:

  • Restore hair

Post Treatment Care:

  • No washing your hair for 4 hours after
  • No exercise for 24 hours.

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