

Starting from: $75

Treatment Time: 15-30 minutes

Expected Downtime: None

Recommended every 1-2 weeks for best results.

WHAT is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the oldest and most permanent solution for unwanted hair. Electrolysis treats individual hairs from the face or body via a very fine probe. The probe is inserted into the hair follicle and a small amount of energy is delivered to permanently destroy the follicle, then the hair is removed with tweezers.

Different methods of electrolysis have been used since it was first discovered in 1875. Today’s electrolysis is much faster and more comfortable than ever before. We use state of the art Apilus electrolysis devices from Dectro International. Dectro is today’s international leader in electrolysis technology. Our medical electrolysis comfortably destroys the growth center of the hair with chemical or heat energy.

Most areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis, the most popular areas are eyebrows, lip and chin. There are generally no permanent side effects, sometimes a temporary, slight reddening of the skin may occur. You may feel a slight warmth or tingle during treatment, if you find it uncomfortable a numbing cream can be used to minimize discomfort.

What Causes Unwanted Hair Growth?

Hair growth is the result of heredity and hormone levels. Some people have more hair due to their genetics and this excess body hair is only a cosmetic concern for others a hormonal disorder causes excess hair growth. The most common hormone disorder is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), it affects 6%-12% of women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS may not ovulate, have high levels of androgens, and have many small cysts on the ovaries. PCOS can cause missed or irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, infertility, and weight gain.

Hormone replacement, hormone therapy, including, bio-identical hormone therapy (BHRT) and certain medications can stimulate hair growth. Plucking, waxing and tweezing also can stimulate hair growth. Electrolysis or laser hair removal are both options for safe removal of unwanted hair. If your unwanted hair is caused by a hormonal imbalance or medication you may need to continue electrolysis or laser hair indefinitely as your hormones will continue to stimulate new hair follicles to form. Electrolysis and laser hair removal can destroy existing hair follicles, but they cannot prevent new hair follicles from forming. We explain this to all our members prior to treatment. In our experience, our PCOS clients are extremely pleased with their results. They see a dramatic reduction in unwanted hair and are happy to return for occasional treatments as needed.

WHich is better, laser hair removal or electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal solution, while laser hair removal is a permanent reduction of hair. Lasers work by targeting pigment to destroy the hair follicle. Lasers hair removal is faster, because it treats multiple hairs at one time. Lasers cannot treat hair that is white, grey or blonde. Electrolysis is color blind, it can treat any color hair and is ideal for hairs that are white, grey or blonde. For best results, we recommend a combination of laser hair removal and electrolysis.

How Many Electrolysis Treatments Will I Need?

Many factors influence hair growth, so you will need to return for several electrolysis visits. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person. Most clients return once a week or every other week as needed. Each treatment lasts between 15-30 minutes. You cannot shave, wax or tweeze hairs prior to treatment, the hair and follicle must be visible for the electrolysis probe to be inserted correctly.

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